Monday, January 26, 2009


Well its been 25 days now that I've been in Dubai. Not sure the best way to go about posting pictures but I'm guessing I'll figure it out along the way.

Heres to getting up to speed.

The company I've been talking to about coming out to Dubai called me on December 29th that they wanted me to come out for 2 months. They got the contract to supply product for the Burj Dubai Lake. At the time I was in Alabama visiting a friend. So I hopped on a plane on the 30th back to Dallas. The 31st was dedicated to getting ready for Dubai, eye exam, doctor check up, etc. On New Years day I was on a 15 hour flight to Dubai.

When I arrived I was met at the gate by a lovely woman who walked me through customs to the baggage claim and delivered me to my driver. from there I met up with the other "western guys" of the company at a coffee shop. This was about 8pm local time. I stayed the next 2 weeks with Simon in a guest room.

I was on site working the day after arriving, with no time to adjust for jet lag.

That puts me in Dubai.

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