Saturday, February 27, 2010

PC + Athletes = Olympics Competitiveness?

I just finished reading a blog by a gentleman of the name Martin Rogers who is one of the many peoples commenting on the Olympics in Vancouver. Anyway, this guy was bashing Apolo Anton Ohno for having "words" after being disqualified from the 500 meter Speed Skating event.
“You know, it is the head Canadian referee out there, And there were two Canadians in the race.”
I don't know about you, but is what Apolo said really that bad? The guy just lost out on another medal. I would be pissed and probably would have been a little less limited in my opinions of the ref.
Apolo is what? The most successful United States Winter Olympian? With that much competitive spirit, do you expect him to just go... "Oh Well! There goes That!"
Seriously... Let athletes be athletes and leave the politically correctness to the Politicians!

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